(713) 479-7300 [email protected]


Zero Code Manufacturing Plant Floor to SAP Integration

This large multi-national pulp and paper company is engaged in the manufacture of a broad variety of quality packaging paperboard and containerboard products which include linerboard, duplex board as well as pulp. They purchased two paper mills from a pulp and paper company that was already using the NLINK® Server for its Manufacturing Execution...

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Ultra Reliable SAP Integration for Pharmaceutical Company

This company is one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical manufacturers. Their 688,000 sq ft facility in the US where NLINK® is deployed, specializes in Biologics and Cell & Gene Technologies, employing 1,500 people and operating 24x7x365. A few years ago, the company replaced their existing Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and required a...

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SAP S/4HANA Upgrade Breaks Legacy MES Integration

One of our customers is a global leader in the production of wines and spirits. One of their overseas bottling plants first contacted us because the Systems Integrator that deployed their AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System (MES) had used an in-house SAP integration tool to connect to their SAP ECC System using IDocs. Performance was less than...

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Zero Code Manufacturing Plant Floor to SAP Integration

This large multi-national pulp and paper company is engaged in the manufacture of a broad variety of quality packaging paperboard and containerboard products which include linerboard, duplex board as well as pulp. They purchased two paper mills from a pulp and paper company that was already using the NLINK® Server for its Manufacturing Execution System (MES) to SAP interfaces. After the mill...

Ultra Reliable SAP Integration for Pharmaceutical Company

This company is one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical manufacturers. Their 688,000 sq ft facility in the US where NLINK® is deployed, specializes in Biologics and Cell & Gene Technologies, employing 1,500 people and operating 24x7x365. A few years ago, the company replaced their existing Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and required a robust SAP integration solution to reliably...

SAP S/4HANA Upgrade Breaks Legacy MES Integration

One of our customers is a global leader in the production of wines and spirits. One of their overseas bottling plants first contacted us because the Systems Integrator that deployed their AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System (MES) had used an in-house SAP integration tool to connect to their SAP ECC System using IDocs. Performance was less than stellar; the system was inflexible and poorly...

SAP Process Messages with Special Posting Logic

A couple of years ago, Junot Systems was contacted by an AVEVA Systems Integrator based in South America. They were in the process of trying to sell AVEVA’s Manufacturing Execution System (MES) to a large multi-national manufacturer of agricultural fertilizers who had a manufacturing plant in Guatemala. The Systems Integrator was looking for a zero code SAP integration solution that provided a...

There`s really only so much information you can absorb by reading about an enterprise software product like the NLINK Product Suite. At some point you need to see the software in action and that`s what the NLINK Product Suite Video Presentations are all about.


If you have already seen the Video Presentations and reviewed the Technical White Papers and would like to learn more by scheduling a WebEx demonstration of the NLINK Product Suite, please click here.


For more technical and product information regarding the NLINK Product Suite please contact us by pressing the Details button below.


For sales and pricing information regarding the NLINK Product Suite please contact our Sales Department by pressing the Details button below.